What are the best remedies for stiff muscles?
Spasticity or muscle stiffness is a condition that manifests with stiff or rigid muscles, involuntary muscle tension or increased muscle tone.
Muscle stiffness or spasticity
Spasticity or muscle stiffness is a condition that manifests with stiff or rigid muscles, involuntary muscle tension or increased muscle tone with exaggerated deep tendon reflexes that interfere with the normal activity of the muscles and cause them to become stiff or rigid. Muscle rigidity can interfere in the activity of walking, movement and even in language. For more visit our website www.くすりエクスプレス.co.
Symptoms usually appear with muscle stiffness are pain, chronic fatigue, weakness, headache, irritability and even depression and other disorders. Also with manifestations such as increased muscle tone, cramps and uncontrollable spasms.
Muscle stiffness may be caused by a variety of substances that stimulate the brain and spinal cord. Both can be isolated such as neuroleptic malignant syndrome or serotonin.
There is involvement of the nervous system. They also cause workouts where tears in the muscle fibers, as well as cumulative, physical or emotional stress, stress, diet and / or lack of certain vitamins and minerals. And some acociadas conditions: cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, myopathies, metabolic disorders, Parkinson’s disease, wilxon disease, multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy, including poisoning. For more visit our website today https://www.ベストケンコー.co.
What factors tend to worsen muscle stiffness and pain?
- Stress.
- Too hot or too cold.
- Tight clothing.
- Infections and bladder spasms.
- The menstrual cycle.
- Little sleep and certain times of day.
- Wounds or skin ulcers.
- Hemorrhoids.
Foods to eliminate
- Cold food (Yin) which by their nature help generate muscle stiffness (refined sugar, too much raw food in winter or very whopping people, etc..).
- Those who acidify blood: refined products, especially carbohydrates (bread, sugar, sweets) white flour. All meats, saturated fats, white bread, sweeteners, dairy milk and cheese, fried meats. Alcoholic beverages. Tea and coffee and salt.
- Industrialized food: prepared sauces, dressings and generally processed. Some contain (GMS) Monosodium glutamate, a salt is used as an additive in processed foods to improve the taste. These aggravate the pain and muscle stiffness.
- Avoid: Solanaceae containing some vegetables: eggplant, peppers, artichokes, tomatoes, potatoes. Yeast artificial by its content in potato starch. Blueberries (alkaloid content by inducing inflammation).
- Other ingredients to avoid if there is muscle stiffness: drugs such as atropine, scopolamine and topical medications containing capsicum (cayenne pepper). Snuff, alcohol, coffee and teas with protein.
Ideal diet
- Foods alcalinicen Blood organic apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, grapefruit (though these are cold, have a neutralizing effect of body acids and help remove the deposits formed in the cartilage of the joints).
- Vegetables: especially greens and vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts (Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds). Yeast, unsaturated fats (olive oil). Whole grains. Vegetable drinks. Seeds. Be a great ally garlic (which reduce joint pain, stiffness and headache. Turmeric, very effective as anti-inflammatory (in powder or capsule).
- Water: hydrate the body to prevent and alleviate stiffness, cramps. Seawater is usually great help for muscle stiffness as it is very alkalizing. In a glass put a finger seawater and three freshwater. Drink a glass before breakfast and one before dinner.
Vitamins and minerals
- Vitamins C and E, antixodantes. Vitamins C and E help to rebuild muscle tissue, reduce pain and improve recovery time between workouts. The vitamin C especially during workouts.
- Vitamin B1, for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. Increase your profit when go together with vitamins C, E.
- Magnesium balances the nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle causing relaxation. It is undoubtedly one of the best (and cheapest) remedies for muscle stiffness and joint pain.
- Calcium helps muscle toning, is involved in muscle contraction and helps control nerve impulses. Calcium is found, in addition to milk, in canned fish with bones, sesame, nuts, seeds, seaweed, vegetables, etc..
- Balance between potassium and sodium. Potassium removes excess sodium and scarcity can cause muscle weakness and physical fatigue. This can be found in legumes, avocado and banana among others Sodium. Deficit can cause water loss and cramps, thirst, and muscle weakness. Especially in times of extreme heat where sweating is high. Sodium is found in table salt, bouillon cubes
- Homeopathic remedies: Rhus Toxicodendro, relieves pain, muscle stiffness and weakness that causes the disease.
Support of physical therapiesMassage, hydrotherapy, relaxation techniques, stretching, aerobic exercise like swimming and sports and games re-educate the body.
Awareness of the breath is one of the cornerstones to solve this problem. Chest breathing is very shallow, not oxygenate well, we acidificamos more and increases muscle stiffness.
Find a healthier life and go for alternative remedies to address symptoms of pain and stiffness, are a good option to mitigate the associated symptoms and restore health. For more visit our website today https://www.unidru.com/.
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