Advice That Can Help You Manage Your Acne At Home

When you have acne, it can be frustrating to deal with and can seriously knock your self-confidence, but there are things you can do at home to help you control the skin condition. You may require a prescription acne treatment for your skin condition to help prevent an outbreak, and there are other things you can do at home to help it work better. You can see some advice below to help you cope and deal with your acne at home, which can hopefully help you clear your skin and reduce the outbreaks you suffer from with this condition.

Keep Your Skin Clean

You will need to ensure that you clean your skin thoroughly twice a day, especially after sweating, and you will want to use a gentle and non-abrasive cleaner. When applying the cleaner, use your fingers, which will not irritate your skin as much, rather than sponges or washcloths, as it is much gentler.

Use The Correct Treatment For Your Condition

You must also ensure that you use a suitable treatment for your skin to help keep it clean and prevent an acne breakout. Various products may be suitable, depending on the acne type, and you should consult a dermatologist to see what they recommend. Avoid using exfoliants and astringents that can irritate your skin and make your acne worse, and ensure you use products that do not dry your skin out too much.

Avoid The Sun & Tanning Beds

Although you may like to have some colour on your skin, getting tanned damages your skin, increases the chance of skin cancer, and can worsen your acne. Avoid being out in the sun too much, use a high-SPF cream to protect you when you are out, and avoid using tanning beds.

Keep Your Hands Off

You must also avoid touching your face and acne too much, which can worsen it, even though you may be tempted to pop or squeeze it. Messing with the acne on your face can make it worse and scar you, which you will want to avoid.

Shampoo Your Hair Regularly

You must also keep your hair clean when you suffer from acne, as the oil in your hair can cause acne on your face. If your hair is particularly oily, shampoo it more often, and try to keep the hair from your face to reduce the chance of an acne breakout.

Follow the advice of your dermatologist and continue with the treatment until they say otherwise, and it can help clear the condition from your face and give you more confidence. For more information on controlling your acne, you can click here to get advice on keeping it under control.

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